Are you used to having long hair? It has been a trend for women to stick to the same old tradition of having long hair but let’s face it, long hair can be boring. Having the same hairstyle for years can seem like there is no change in your life.
Long hair is limited to how you can style it. having a ponytail, fishtail or laying loose can be tedious to have especially if you need change. There are times when one must come up with a hairdo that will change her look drastically, what is that hairdo?
Many women are afraid of cutting their hair. Are you one of them? Have you ever thot that maybe cutting your hair is the change that you have always been looking forward to. You don’t have to be afraid, there are ways you can cut your hair and still look stylish and modern.
Many celebrities are embracing the haircut way. from the movies to the red carpet, more and more women in the limelight are cutting their hair and they are ending up being stunning and gorgeous. I am talking about layering haircut. Have a look at the recent red carpet walk and you will notice.

Layered Hair
What is layered haircut?
When you hear of layered cut, what comes to your mind? Layers, right? yes, that is what this haircut is all about. A layered hairstyle is a kind of hairstyle that will give your hair length and volume. That is because when you have the look, your hair appears to be a lot or a little longer.
The good thing about the look, it works for those who want to cut their hair completely and for those who are afraid of losing their long hair. With the cut, long hair is given an illusion of length while with short hair, it gives the illusion of volume.
I know you are worried about how you are going t look. the good thing is, this haircut works for people with any type of hair shape. It works to enhance your facial features making you stand out and be heard, so you don’t have to hesitate to go for the new look.
The cut can be done on almost all hair types from straight, fine, medium or wavy, however, caution might be taken when it comes to curly and coarse hair. That is because the hair can be difficult to cut into a fine and continuous line. Did I mention the convenience?
Many women always want a look that they can have at home without having to look for an extra hand to help them out. This look is convenient in the sense that you can do the look at home with your mirror and your scissors without having to step out, that sounds good, right?
Are you ready for the change? If you are, you need to read along and learn how you can do it at home. Do you have a long or short hair? here you will learn how you will work on both the long or a short hair. Let’s dive into details.
Before you learn how to do it, it is good to consider some factors before you start. You need to know the type of layers you want. There are classic, textured, long layers or short. You also need to consider your hair length and your personal preference. Once you have this information, you will be ready for the cut.
back to menu ↑Layered Hair tutorial for long hair
With this kind of hair, it is easier to cut than the short hair. That is because long hair is easier to work with and you can see all ends before you cut. For you to cut it perfectly, you need to follow these simple steps;
You need to prepare your hair for the cut. This means that you need to wash your hair completely and shampoo it before you dry it completely. You need to the comb it to remove all tangles before you proceed. Make sure you have all you need within your working space.
To avoid a lot of movement, you need to make sure you assemble all you need in one place. You will need your scissors, comb and two elastic bands to hold your hair. This will help your process of cutting the hair smooth without moving up and down.
Comb your hair at the top of your head
First, you need to comb your hair towards the centre of your head. This is at the top of your head where you can balance a comb. Bend your head upside down and comb your hair forward. You need then to form a ponytail and hold it with an elastic band.
The reason for this is you want to form a base from which you will cut your hair, and this is the recommended place for a long hair. Turn your head to the right side up ensuring that your hair is laying smoothly against your head.
When you do that, you should ensure that there are no bumps or messy hair anywhere, this is to ensure that you cut the hair evenly for a more balanced look. you need to move the band to about a few inches to the tip of your hair making sure that your other hand is holding the ponytail.
Time for the cut
While holding your hair one and on the ponytail and the other on the sliding the elastic down to some inches to the edges of your ponytail, you need to take the scissors and cut above the elastic band. Make sure the cut just at the end of some loose hair end. The cut should be fine, and you can only do that with some sharp scissors, you don’t want to end up with a messy look, do you?
Polish up
You need to let the hair loose and look at it on the mirror, do you like the look? the hair should appear like it has some layers towards the tip. If there are some uncut long uneven ends, you need to treat up so that you can end up with a fine look that you are happy with. How do you feel now?
back to menu ↑Layered hair tutorials for short hair
The look can also be applied on short haired babe. Yes, there are so many celebrities who have short hair that is layered, and they look gorgeous. I must admit, it can be difficult working with short hair and you should know that is works for pixie style only. follow the following steps;
Before you start, you need to decide how you want your hair to end up looking and where you want the layers to be. Once you ate set, you need to put you tools of work close to where you are cutting the hair. This is to avoid a lot of movement during the process.
Now that you are set, wash your hair with shampoo and condition the hair too. You need to then pat it dry so that you can work with dump but dry hair. Make sure the room you are working in has a lot of lighting and a lot of mirrors, you might need to see your head from a lot of angles.
Comb and cut
You need to start by combing your hair to make sure there are no bumps and the hair is in even form. You must divide the hair into sections. One on top of your head in the form of a box and hold it. divide the rest of the hair into two parts, from the crown to your forehead and form the crown to the nape of your neck.
Start by holding the hair at the top box in the middle of your fingers and using your scissors, start to trim the hair to your preference. Once you are done with the front part, you need to comb the other two sections and doing the same with the front part, you need to put the edge of the hair at the middle of the fingers and cut.
While cutting, you must start to see the end results. Using your rare mirrors, you will be able to see at the back of your head. Make sure that the hair is layered as you had anticipated. Once you are done, you need to blow dry your hair to see the result, how do you see it? happy about it?
You see, you don’t have to have the same old long boring hair all years long, whether you have long or short hair, there are ways you can make your hair by making layers to create illusions of length and volume. The result will make you stunning and young, enhancing your features in the process. Don’t be afraid, it might be the change you have always wanted.